Saturday, June 9, 2012

10 Book Promotion Strategies You May Not Have Considered

As with the introduction of any new product or service, a book's promotional strategy should inform, persuade, and influence, a consumer's decision making. In most instances, persuading consumers to make a purchase, thus increasing the book's sales volume; is the primary objective of a book's promotional strategy. Nevertheless, regardless of your motive, you will have to go out and identify with your audience; and inspire them to talk about your book.

Although a digital public relations firm may employ various marketing methods to achieve your promotional objectives, strategies fundamentally consist of two elements: personal and non-personal selling.

  • Personal selling is a promotional presentation, that is made on a one-on-one basis with a potential buyer. Although traditionally this approach would have been done in person, social media has allowed for targeted penetration of the consumer marketplace; through established communities like Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
  • Non personal selling consists of advertising, sales promotion, and other such public relations strategies. Although traditionally these approaches would have included print, radio and television, digital alternatives like Google Adwords and search engine marketing strategies, offer targeted and measurable results; at a much more affordable price.

With that being said, the Internet provides authors with a method of communicating with their new and existing audience, that will establish more meaningful relationships, build personal brand and inspire more consumers; to purchase the new book. Here are 10 digital marketing methods, that you may not have seriously considered, but have consistently proven to deliver; dependable results.

  1. Submit Your Book to Google eBooks. Given that Google is boasting the largest ebook library available, making your books available there seems to make sense. Of course it’s hard to tell how many sales will actually be generated as a result, but this is true for all of the book and eBook publishing platforms. Sign up for a free Google Partner account.
  2. Make Your Website Remarkable. Add video, provide a sample chapter from your new book, offer an entertaining newsletter, and share plenty of interesting content. Not only will remarkable content entice readers, it will also improve your website's ranking; with Google and the other major search engines.
  3. Commit to Blogging. Making a conscience effort to author a new post two to three times per week. This will increase website traffic, create brand awareness and attract new readers. As well, it is important to continue to promote your blog.
  4. Improve Search Engine Rankings. Implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to boost website traffic. To begin with, this will include incorporating your keywords into each page, update your content frequently, and add incoming links from other websites.
  5. Create a Press Release. Your press release needs to promote the best points of your book. It must clearly explain why it is a great deal and what it is intended to do.
  6. Write Articles and Guest Blog Posts. Aggressively distribute your content to news groups and post links on related blogs. Take the time to focus on industry-specific print publications, trade association newsletters, small newspapers and magazines.
  7. Take Advantage of Internet Media. Internet radio programs always need guests and online publications are constantly hunting for new topics.
  8. Leverage Social Media. Find your audience on Twitter, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn and engage daily by sharing links to your blog posts, commenting on other people’s posts, and participating in forums where your target audience can be found.
  9. Create a Google AdWords Account, and/or a similar account with other recognized PPC providers. Then, carefully author a keyword ad that promotes your book. You can expect that these ads will cost, between 10 cents and $1 per click through. Nevertheless, this is a very effective method of promoting your book online.
  10. Include Added Value. special reports, audio recordings, online seminars, workbooks, and other information products that you can use; to help market your book.

A reputable digital PR firm will aim to develop a unique promotional mix, that will effectively and efficiently communicate the author's message, to a focused group of targeted customers. Ideally, the ingredients in the promotional mix, will include a delicate balance of personal selling and non personal selling approaches; that are used to inform, persuade, and influence the consumer audience. All things considered, it is important to understand that it requires the consistent effort of a lot of little things, to contribute to the over-all success; of a book's promotional campaign.

1 comment:

  1. I agree for what you have said about book promotional statragies. You elaborated well each of the services and all of these makes our work easier. Thanks

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